- About Steven M. Greer M.D. |
- Cosmic Deception - Let The Citizen Beware
- Disclosure Project - Briefing Document -
File |
- “Disclosure Project” - Gobierno USA Destapa Tema
- Dr. Steven Greer Disclosure Project
Talk - Sept 2001,
Portland, Oregon |
- El Proyecto Revelación - Declaraciones |
- Informe Ejecutivo del Proyecto
Revelación |
- UFO Disclosure - Implications for the Environment, World Peace, Poverty
and the Human Future |
Information |
- "Disclosure Informers" - Evidence |
- Exopolitics and Global Warming - A Cosmic
Connection |
- Gary McKinnon - Hacking Away At Truth and the Failings
of the Disclosure Community? |
- Gearing Up for "Cosmic Watergate... The Beginning of
ET Disclosure" |
- Glimpses of Disclosure |
- Global Fuse is Ignited - A Post Disclosure
World |
- La Vida Extraterrestre Existe y Está Aquí
- Disclosure
Project |
- Open Letter From a Group of French Scientists to the
Initiator of the Disclosure Project |
- Proposed White House ‘Extraterrestrial Affairs
Commission’ Puts Denver UFO Examiner’s on
Hold |
- The UFO Briefing Document - The Best Available Evidence/The Rockefeller
UFO Report |
- Whistleblowers’ Evidence of NASA UFO Fraud Might Kill
UK Hacker Case |
Multimedia |
- Disclosure Project Witness
Testimony |
- Dr. Steven Greer and Hon. Paul
Hellyer Discuss ET/UFO Disclosure |
- Fastwalkers Files Disclosure - Ellos Están
Aquí |
- President
Eisenhower's Historic Farewell Address to the
Nation |
Proyecto 'Disclosure' - Conferencia en el
National Press Club - Mayo 2001 |
- The Disclosure Project - Two-hour Disclosure Witness
Testimony - 1 of 2 - 2 of 2 |
- The Untold History of The
Disclosure Project 2004 - Steven M. Greer, M.D. |
Related Reports |
- Clifford Stone - and Alien
Races -
Main File |
- Carol Rosin and the late Werner
Von Braun
- Main File |
- Exopolitica y Michael E.
Salla -
Main File |
- Extraterrestrial Technology And
Reverse Engineering - Main File |
- Project
- Main File |
- The Saga of Flying
Objects - Present and
Past -
Main File |
- UFO Secret Meetings at The United
Nations -
Main File |
- Vida en Nuestra
Galaxia -
Main File |